How to make $200 Daily in Charlotte, North Carolina
The minimum wage in North Carolina is currently $7.25 an hour. That means that if you work 8 hours daily, 5 days a week, you will be able to reach something like $290 by the end of Friday, after going through the daily boring process of clocking, having a noisy boss on your back, lunching microwaved food, waiting for the day of a 50c raise, and the list goes on and on…
This is killing you, as a LYFT Driver you are FREE of this “employee boring/killing/slavery life”, plus you can easily jump from $58 to $200 daily or from $290 to $1,000 weekly, by driving your own car or one rented from LYFT, setting your own schedule on the same 5 days on daily shifts.
Learn what you need to drive with Lyft:
- Your driver’s license. You’ll need to meet the age requirement for your region.
- A background check. We’ll need your consent to complete a criminal background check and to review your driving history.
- Current valid insurance with your name on the policy
- Valid plates with current registration (commercial plates are also acceptable)
- Your car, or a rental.
You Get Paid for the Time and Distance of a Trip, Plus Tips and Available Bonuses. Lyft Drivers Are Essential to Our Communities. And Earnings Are on The Rise. Be Your Own Boss. Get Paid After Every Ride.
Get $5 Dollars Credit on your Next Ride: